Hierarchical Clustering for Functionalities E-Commerce Adoption


  • Evi Triandini Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis STIKOM Bali, Indonesia
  • Fajar Astuti Hermawati Universitas 17 Agustus 1945, Surabaya, Indonesia, Indonesia
  • I Ketut Putu Suniantara Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis STIKOM Bali, Indonesia




Functionality e-commerce; Hierarchical clustering, E-commerce adoption


Web functionality is one driver for e-commerce adoption. It is appeared the level of technological capabilities as well as the accentuation of the strategy put on e-commerce by the organization. Web functionality is related to the level of e-commerce relocation. Website with more functionality will give way better benefits for shoppers and trade partners. Functionalities of web are components that support the achievement of adoption benefits. Hierarchical clustering and ranking availability of e-commerce functionality is a challenging task. Ward Linkage algorithm was used to measure distance. This study proposed to get a grouping of e-commerce functionalities that influence e-commerce adoption and to get the ranking of the groups that most influence the achievement of these benefits. Result shows that functionalities that supports the achievement of every benefit of e-commerce has been clustered into two or three clusters, where each cluster also has been ranked to facilitate the achievement of these benefits


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