
  • Anang Kunaefi Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Dwi Sunaryono Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Imam Mukhlash Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia


SEMANTIC WEB SERVICE COMPOSITIONFOR ERP BUSINESS PROCESS aAnang Kunaefi, bRiyanarto Sarno, cDwi Sunaryono, d Imam Mukhlash a,b,c,d Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya E-Mail: Abstrak Saat ini, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) bergerak menuju layanan SaaS (Software as a Service) dan Multi-Tenancy, di mana aplikasi ERP melayani beberapa penyewa dengan proses bisnis yang berbeda dalam lingkungan berbasisweb service. Pada kasus Provider ERP, sangat penting untuk mencapai fleksibilitas proses bisnis penyewa sebagaimana didefinisikan dalam tingkatkematangan SaaS level 4, yaitu Configurable dan Scalable. Dengan cara ini, Penyedia dapat melayani proses bisnis penyewa secara dinamis.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan komposisi semantik web service untuk menyelesaikan masalah fleksibilitas dalamproses bisnis. Ontologi digunakan sebagai representasi pengetahuan semantik pada domainpengetahuan ERP untuk proses pencarian dan komposisi web service. Selanjutnya, algoritma kemiripan berbasis fitur (Feature-based Similarity) dan kemiripan berbasis struktur (Structurebased Similarity)digunakan untuk melakukan pencarian kemiripan antara permintaan proses bisnis dariPenyewa dan proses bisnis Penyedia layanan ERP di Registry. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode yang diusulkan mampu memenuhi permintaan proses bisnis penyewa, baik workflow sederhana maupun workflow yang lebih kompleks dengan hasil yang baik. Kata kunci: Web Servis Semantik, Komposisi Semantik, Proses Bisnis ERP, Featurebased Similarity, Structure-based Similarity. Abstract Nowadays, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) moves toward SaaS (Software as a Service) and Multi-Tenancy, where an ERP application serves multiple tenants with different business processes in a web-service based environment. In the case of ERP provider, it is very important to achieve business process flexibility among tenants as defined in SaaS Maturity Level 4, that is Configurable and Scalable. InThis way, Provider can serve tenant’s business processes request dynamically.This research usingsemantic Web Service Composition approach to address business process flexibility problem. Ontology is used as a semantic representation of ERP domain knowledge for web service discovery and composition. Afterwards, the combination of Feature-based Similarity and Structural-based Similarity algorithms are used to do the discovery and matchmaking process between tenant’s business process request and business process available in the ERP provider’s registry. The result showsthat the proposed method in this paper is able to fulfil tenant’s business process request both for simple workflow and complex workflow with a good result. Keywords: Semantic Web Service, Semantic Composition, ERP Business Process, Feature-based Similarity, Structure-based Similarity


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